May 3, 2011

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Tackling Tuberculosis in Kiribati

·         Per thousand is considered a problem and n Kiri there are à 300 people per 1000
·         Over crowded houses à 13 per house
·         Four specialist nurses
·         Air borne disease (coughing)’
·          After people are out of hospital DOT’s check if they have tb
·         The DOT’s funded by Oz aid government
·         They isolate people
·         They are building a lab and a pharmacy to help people
·         Goal of project à Reduce by 30%
·         Not very good stuff for a hospital à Beds had no mattresses, not big enough

Nurses in Kiribati
·         Undertaking a nursing degree at Griffith Uni, Brisbane (part of Kiribati nurses initiative)
·         Funded by oz aid
·         The nursing  program is in response to climate change so they can be employed in other countries if migration is needed and so that they can help people in their country
·         Four months in Kiribati and then four in Brisbane
·         Shortage of nurses in other places so it's a good job


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